Friday, August 26, 2022

Exert technological know-how into real world AGENCY and make change.

 A new digital age and the evolution from data sheep to data brokers.


If you've followed the early entertainment in this subject, you'd understand humanity is now inevitability bound for better or worse to the even advance of Technology.  Our cybernetic devices, if you own phones, tablets, and computers your a cyborg simply an high latency one.  

But today all our devices have turned us into walking data farms, more importantly; money farms.

Is it not time we give up this passive mindset and move forward as true AGENTS (that is exerting our agency into the world).  We can accomplish this with a small change, simply do you research on the devices you use,  learn to professional work with those devices so you can use them proactively or provocatively.  No longer giving them our lives in data form but forcing them to pay to take it or pay us for it.

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