Saturday, September 30, 2023

Next Project : 315Mhz Jammer

 Next Project : C1ferTechs 315mhz Jammer!


❗This project was created and written up by C 1 F E R T E C H

315Mhz jammer

315Mhz jammer with Menu

Throwing this together with HiLetgo parts, a couple Nano's and their MX series of Transmitter  (MX-FS-03V) and Receiver (MX-05V) package.  A 2-pack runs about 6$, for the price and range 200m with 3.3v and 1000m with 5v is damn nice.  To have a combo of the 2.4ghz 315mhz Scanner/Jammers the toolkit is becoming quite robust and useful.....the Jamming capability is impressive although HIGHLY HIGHLY illegal.  Imagine running both Jammers plus an ESP8266 Beacon Spammer in an office building  :

  🔥🔥🔥🔥H A V O C!✴️✴️✴️✴️


these devices are meant to be used for educational and authorized testing purposes only DO NOT BE EVIL!


🌟 About the Project

This project is about a jammer in the 315MHz band, the frequency of the jammer can be changed using the menu.

📷 Pictures

🎯 Features

  • Disruptor in the 315 MHz band
  • Frequency control using the menu

🧰 Getting Started

We use Oled SSD1306, 315MHz Transmitter and Arduino.

  • Oled SSD1306 0.96"
  • Arduino Nano
  • 315MHz Transmitter
  • Micro Switch



🔌 Schematic

Make the connections according to the table and schematic below.Complete Schematic


⚙️ Installation

Before uploading the code you need to install the required library in Arduino IDE. Follow these steps:

  • Follow this path Sketch> Include Library> Manage Libraries
  • Search for Adafruit SSD1306
  • Install the library

-Then search for the “GFX” and install it also.

👀 Usage

In the first step, by selecting the desired frequency from the options in the menu, the device will start sending a signal to the 315 MHz band, then if necessary, the jammer will be stopped by selecting the up and down switches at the same time, and you will return to the menu.



👀 Code

Doc -- Code

Wednesday, September 13, 2023


NRf-sniffer w/ oled & Graphing

 Devices : 

  • ATMega328 based 
  • ArduinoNRF24l01 Module
  • .96' oled Screen

                                                 Switches :

4 micro switches run to pins 2up 3down 4select & 6back


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